This is where I could share a list of my credentials and accolades, certificates and accomplishments, the typical third-person bio that we’re all used to. Instead, I want to tell you the story that really matters, the story of my own becoming as a mother.

Giving birth to my firstborn son was a powerful rite of passage.  A mama-bear was also born that day, as was a commitment to finding a path consistent with my heart’s sense of possibility. I didn’t yet have the language for that possibility, but I began the quest, as we all do, with my mama-heart as my guide.

Like all journeys, mine had many bumps and trials along the way.  Sometimes it was downright messy, others, I doubted my ability to guide my sweet family as we weathered the many storms of life.

Through it all, I was guided by my deepest desire: to not settle for anything less than a fantastic relationship with my children. I knew that this journey was too short and too precious to squander.

Even in my moments of doubt, I held tightly to a tenacious belief that more was possible, this belief was the fuel for my fire. Along the way, I found the teachers and tools I needed to get me where I knew I needed to go. It is these teachings and tools that I offer to you inside Family Foundations, Sage Mothering and our Private Mentoring journeys.

13 years (and a whole lot of training, trial and error later) it is my sacred work to guide mothers like you who are not willing to settle for less. Mothers who know that more and deeper is possible, even in our sometimes messy, modern lives.

Together we do the work of cultivating YOUR  legacy of love, a legacy that will bring more joy and love to each moment in the here and now AND reach many generations into the future.
